Borobudur, Building Of Amaze
This temple is located beside north-west Yogyakarta Indonesia. Besides famous with Malioboro, Kaliurang, Parangtritis and the Palace, Yogya also keep a tour object all at once be Buddhism altar. Temple borobudur, that’s the name recorded temple as one of the seven this world miracles is they say is built in eighth century . besides recorded as biggest buddha temple at world, Borobudur has also uniqueness aloof.
This temple doesn’t has adoration spaces like temples other. existing long roads that are small street. roads are limitted wall surround level temple by level. at road road here’s ummat Buddha is estimated to do ceremony walks to surround temple towards right (pradaksima).
This temple is built when Samaratungga - King from Dynasty Syailendra rule at central java. they say this temple development consumes time half century. if seen from the air, borobudur likely appear will like flower lotus that will bloom, float above lake water. geology watchfulness proves that temple region borobudur formerly a vast lake.
Until now not yet known meaning borobudur. they say borobudur be federation from Bara word and Budur. Bara (sanskrit) mean complex temple or monastery. while budur (come from balinese, beduhur) mean above. equally, borobudur mean monastery above hill.
They say this temple is ever hiden by mount explosion Merapi (950m) and new found again in century 19 by java governor general Sir Thomas Raffles (1814). Temple Borobudur formed punden berundak, consist of six rectan formed levels. three circle round formed levels and a stupa principal as the top.